Thursday, August 6, 2009

The end of Zell the chick?

Hi all..

I made a decision!
If I will not raise enough money until the 1st of September I will give zell to my cat as a dinner!

I opened a store at amazon. I choose some pet stuff to put in. The products prices are SIMILAR to Amazon prices!
I get 6% commission from every purchase made from this page. I will use this money for buying Zell the Chick food, cage and toys.
I'm not asking for donation, just asking for your help.
visit and by your pet some nice stuff and help my save Zell!!!

The Save Zell Store (link)


1 comment:

  1. Hey - you are crazy guy BUT.. I guess a small toy for my dog can't hurt any one... I purchased one.. just in case..
